Wednesday, January 30, 2008



It was the time of the year where I am scheduled for clinicals as part of my practice. I will be down for a 5 week long clinical placement and I barely survived my first week. Another 4 weeks!! Wished time would pass by quickly then...

Clinicals could be great fun for the first-timers... But to a veteran, it's not that all great. It's not that I am unmotivated or uninterested. It's just that I find the thought of working without any form of remuneration quite pathetic. It's all part of practice they say!! *sigh* At least give me some subsidy for my accommodations or something.. I am just a poor student after all, who have to stinge to make ends meet. (Please feed me.. :D)

Thank god that I do not have to do shifts or weekends. That's a relief. I am tired as I am already with this current load..

I am just a whinner :P

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